Development of interpersonal values as a driver of student learning styles




Guidelines, interpersonal values, learning styles


This proposal aims to generate a set of theoretical-practical guidelines that contribute to the development, reinforcement, and maintenance of the interpersonal values of students, as a guideline for guiding their learning styles within the framework of their potentialities, individual characteristics, needs, and realities of each particular context, derived from the research:  interpersonal values and learning styles of the students of the Educational Institution of the South, municipality of Ipiales, Nariño, Colombia, which was developed with a sample of 110 students of the sixth grades of the three venues between 12 and 15 years of age. For the collection and analysis of information, observation and survey were used and, as instruments: the interpersonal values questionnaire (SIV) by Leonard Gordon, and the questionnaire of learning styles by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman (Felder and Silverman, 2002). The data were processed by means of descriptive statistics, using as statisticians the maximum average sums, which were interpreted by means of scales, adapted from the authors' correction sheets. The results indicate a moderate presence of interpersonal values and an appropriate balance between the extremes, represented by the style options considered in the proposal of Felder and Silverman (2002). In addition, a strong positive correlation was reported, which indicates an important relationship between the variables, a guideline for the generation of the proposal, which is focused on the reinforcement of values as a basis to enhance meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

Rosas Ortega, A. N. ., & Rojas Hernández, L. . (2023). Development of interpersonal values as a driver of student learning styles. Entrelineas, 1(2), 140–155.



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