Directive Management as a Tool for Educational Quality Assurance




executive management, educational quality, quality assurance, accreditation, evaluation


The objective of the research was aimed at proposing a managerial management plan as a tool to ensure educational quality at the Euroamerican University, during the 2019-2021 period. The study was based on the contributions of Pozner (2016), Bazurdo (2016), Díaz (2015), among others. Methodologically, the research was projective and was contextualized within the quantitative positivist approach; its design was characterized as non-experimental, transactional and field. The population was made up of 5 members of the management staff, for which a population census was applied. The technique used for data collection was observation through a survey and as an instrument, a questionnaire structured by 63 items, with a scaling of five response alternatives: (5) Always; (4) Almost always; (3) Sometimes; (2) Hardly ever; (1) Never. Expert judgment was used to validate the instrument. To calculate the reliability, the Cronbach's Alpha Method was used, using the SPSS software, as for the validity calculation, through the Reliability Analysis route. In relation to the processing of the results, the Descriptive Statistics method was used, specifically the techniques: Measures of central tendency and variability, through the mean or arithmetic mean (X) and the standard deviation. To determine the relationship between the variables, the Spearman's Rho correlation method was applied, obtaining a high value of 0.75, which indicates a strong positive correlation, which with the support of the foundations of the study, allowed to build a consolidated proposal, that allows to integrate the processes and functions of the directive management, within a framework that will contribute through the management of phases, to the assurance of the quality of this important institution.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Corro, F. O. . (2022). Directive Management as a Tool for Educational Quality Assurance. Entrelineas, 1(2), 156–166.



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