An experience of pedagogical practice towards innovation in teacher training


  • Mary Eugenia Abril Goyeneche Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia- UNAD



Practice, pedagogy, innovation


This paper presents an analysis of innovative pedagogical practices in teacher training, as a result of a doctoral research process, with the purpose of proposing a scheme of innovative practices, for the transformation of the pedagogical experience and the research of participating teachers of the Formative Diagnostic Assessment course - ECDF of the MEN, organized by the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia - UPTC, in the years 2017 and 2019. A documentary corpus has been selected between books, articles scientific studies, research, laws, presentations, videos, theses, web pages, and national and international research reports, which account for the scientific rigor that this project deserves, from various lines of analysis and theoretical, conceptual, and experiential deepening based on the variables to develop, related to Teacher training: professional profile. Elements that are developed in pedagogical practice. Working conditions of teachers in Colombia and elements that make a practice innovative. The central aspects that are analyzed and delivered have to do with projective type research, generated through the analysis of classroom research projects, developed within pedagogical practices and classroom experience, in the sense of concluding that teachers have the potential, strength, and training to develop research projects in the classroom, as well as to propose alternatives and innovative strategies in their work, to demonstrate that pedagogical practice can become innovative.


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How to Cite

Abril Goyeneche, M. E. . (2023). An experience of pedagogical practice towards innovation in teacher training. Entrelineas, 1(2), 194–213.



Articulos de revisión teórica