Expansion of the national system of community judicial facilitators in response to the solution of conflicts





Access to justice, Community Facilitators, conflict resolution, public policies, national project of Panama


The National System of Community Judicial Facilitators arises as a response to the constant concern to overcome administrative and legal barriers that have hindered effective access to justice for the population in vulnerable conditions. This article aims to collect the characteristics of a project as part of the access to justice policies, through which it is intended to expand the services provided by the judicial body. The expansion of justice stands out considering the participation of citizen leaders of their communities at the national level, as well as the free provision of these information and advisory services. In order to facilitate the resolution of conflicts, it is necessary to provide continuity and strengthen the program with adequate equipment and infrastructure that ensures its operation. regional offices that serve as links between the Community Judicial Facilitators (FJC), the Office of Community Judicial Facilitators and the municipal judges, in order to promote, manage, supervise and better monitor their functions in different locations. It is concluded that, from the characteristics of the community justice facilitators project, which is part of the access to justice policies carried out by the Directorate of the Judicial Branch, two major difficulties are identified, the first is related to the structure administrative and judicial that provides support to the program. It is notable that this support structure shows drawbacks that affect the proper development of the program. The second refers to the quality of care, which although is not part of the development of this study, its decrease can be inferred because the same number of inhabitants to be served is maintained, with a decrease of 76.7% of the facilitators.


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How to Cite

Morales, N. . (2024). Expansion of the national system of community judicial facilitators in response to the solution of conflicts. Entrelineas, 2(2), 160–167. https://doi.org/10.56368/Entrelineas225



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